24 April 2016

Meditation & Water

“Let the most absent-minded of men be plunged in his deepest reveries—stand that man on his legs, set his feet a-going, and he will infallibly lead you to water, if water there be in all that region. Should you ever be athirst in the great American desert, try this experiment, if your caravan happen to be supplied with a metaphysical professor. Yes, as every one knows, meditation and water are wedded for ever.”

Excerpt From: Melville, Herman. “Moby Dick, or, The Whale.” iBooks. 
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Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itun.es/us/Ux3Kx.l

18 April 2016

Why can't we reason together about tough issues?

One reason I think we find it hard to discuss tough issues reasonably is that we use language to create our world rather than to describe it. For example:

What is a fetus? An unwanted unborn baby.

What is an unborn baby? A fetus that is wanted.

So, to the person who is pro-choice, it is a fetus until it is wanted.

Likewise, to the person who is pro-life, it is an unborn baby until it is unwanted.

No wonder we cannot discuss this without arousing the flames of emotion.

12 April 2016

Draw people to the light...

In politics, it is better to draw people to the light than to beat them into submission. It is better to inspire people than to manipulate them. This is the reason I like Gov. Kasich. I see him trying to live up to both standards. Not a perfect man, but one who is trying to offer hope.